Bitcoinimmo Privacy Policy


With the present privacy policy, (“We”, “Our company”, “The company”) informs you about the methods of collection, processing, and use of your personal data, as well as your rights concerning the applicable legal and regulatory provisions in this matter.

This policy may be modified, supplemented, or updated to ensure compliance with any legislative, regulatory, jurisprudential, and technical evolution. We invite you to consult it regularly to be informed about the current provisions.

Data Controller

SAS REMG • located at 26 rue Jean Moulin 69490 Vindry • Phone 0953413822 with a capital of 1000 € • SIRET 877 804 096 • Professional card CPI 6901 2020 000 044 196 issued by CCI Lyon metropole – Saint Etienne – Roanne • Guarantee fund for handling funds with SOCAF 26 AVENUE DE SUFFREN in the amount of 120000 € • RCP 042380437 with ALLIANZ 1 COURS MICHELET CS30051 92076 PARIS LA DEFENSE CEDEX • Consumer mediator: Mr. Jean-Philippe DUVAL, website:

Type of Data Collected

During various contacts we may have with you, several categories of personal data concerning you may be collected. The mandatory nature of some data collection is indicated with an asterisk. This may include:

Civil status data: name, first name, title, date of birth Data related to your personal, professional, family situation Contact details: phone number, postal address, email address Banking information Information related to the purpose of the contract that may bind us, especially in relation to the ownership of your assets, as well as their characteristics (nature, location, number of rooms, diagnostics, etc.) Data related to the monitoring of our exchanges (correspondence, phone calls, requests, etc.) Choices regarding commercial prospecting and/or preferred contact channel. Traffic information, your navigation on our website, related to the traceability of your actions (recordings of favorite goods, last viewed property, sending a contact form or request for contact, etc.) Geolocation information (by IP address) Information related to the technology used to consult our website, or information on tracking your actions in the context of emails that we may send to you (deliverability, open rate, etc.). Purpose of Collection To ensure the legitimate interest of the company in managing and following up its relations, especially commercial and with site visitors. More generally, to manage relations with our contacts and to organize marketing, prospecting, and communication operations. To transmit for commercial purposes to partners To improve and optimize the quality of the site’s operation To ensure compliance with regulatory obligations

Data Confidentiality

The company has taken appropriate organizational, physical, and logical measures to ensure the confidentiality and security of the collected data.

Users’ personal data may be processed by subcontractors to enable us to provide you with our services.

Data Retention Period

We keep your data only for the time necessary for the purposes pursued, in accordance with legal requirements.

User Rights

In accordance with European regulations and the French Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978, internet users whose personal data are processed by the company have the right to access their data and the right to request the rectification, updating, and deletion of their personal data.

If you do not wish to be subject to commercial prospecting by telephone, you can register for free on the list of opposition to telephone canvassing, provided for by article L223-1 of the consumer code, on the website or by mail addressed to Société Opposetel, Service Bloctel – 6, rue Nicolas Siret – 10 000 Troyes.


When consulting the site, information related to your device may be recorded in text files called “Cookies”, placed in your browser. By identifying your terminal, they primarily serve to optimize your use of the site by offering personalized content. They have a fixed validity period.

Users are free to oppose the recording of “cookies” by using the corresponding functionalities of their browser. However, this action may alter or make impossible access to certain services of the site.

Cookies necessary for the proper functioning of the site – Allow optimal use of the site.

Audience measurement cookies – aim to compile statistics of visits to the site (number of visits, number of pages viewed, device used, etc.).

Interactivity cookies – these are cookies from third-party services directly deposited by these services allowing them to collect navigation data of users on the website.

Web Beacons

The company may use web beacons on the site and in some emails. They enable tracking, analysis, reporting, marketing retargeting, conversion tracking, optimization and activation of certain features on the site. In e-mails, these beacons can be used to measure the performance of e-mail campaigns, by tracking openings and user behavior. In general, they enable us to improve the services we offer.